Best Grid Geosynthetics

Best Grid is a prominent and distinguished firm in United Arab Emirates serving Construction Sector with its business main core of versatility, dynamic and progressive. The company has grown successful and has become a leader in its industry. Theconsistent success of the company is through its ability to bring innovative solutions to the clients and industry. The company is known for its quality of work and non-wavering commitments to fulfill each requirements of the clients. As part of our strategy, we use materials more efficiently through finding alternatives for construction materials hence the amount of materials used in regular construction practices are reduced, and by developing materials that have less environmental impact and more value and benefiting from the experiences of the developed countries in the preservation of the environment. In continuing the tradition of best quality services and able to aim full coverage, the company have grown significantly into trading and proposing the best geosynthetic solutions..


Geosynthetics are synthetic products used to stabilize terrain. They are generally polymeric products used to solve civil engineering problems. The polymeric nature of the products makes them suitable for use in the ground where high levels of durability are required. They can also be used in exposed applications. Geosynthetics are available in a wide range of forms and materials. These products have a wide range of applications and are currently used in many civil, geotechnical, transportation, geoenvironmental, hydraulic, and private development applications.

Performance of weak subgrades. By distributing dynamic loads over a wider area, pumping and shear failures are minimized, resulting in increased load bearing capacity of the subgrade. Biaxial Polypropylene Geogrids are also very effective in base reinforcement applications. The openings in the geogrid interact with base materials, confining them and preventing lateral dispersion. The result can be up to a 30% reduction in base course materials. GSI offers a full array of Biaxial Polypropylene Geogrids.

eosynthetics used in landscaping help to prevent damage caused by the capillary rise of groundwater into soil zones and also preventing costly root damage while preserving the health and beauty of mature trees. The commonly used Geosynthetic materials are HDPE liners, Salt barriers, Root barriers, Gravel cells, Geosynthetic Clay Liners, Flo Cells.
Geosynthetics when used in a slope becomes a new composite entity along with the soil, which has enhanced mechanical and geotechnical properties. The confinement ability of these materials reduces the lateral movement of soil particles due to the stresses induced by incoming loads. Geosynthetics usually used for this purpose mainly includes Geocells, Concrete Mattress.
Asphalt polyester geogrids & Biaxial geogrids when used in
asphalt layer improves the flexibility of the pavement structure
as it decreases the vertical stresses in the subgrade under the
wheel path, and helps in beneficial redistribution of shear and
normal stresses beyond the wheel path which also decrease
the reflective cracks formed in the long run.

When high incoming loads act on soft soils, the pore water
pressures are generated and geosynthetics help in carrying
this water to the surface and therefore helps in efficient
drainage. The commonly used geosynthetics for this purpose
are Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVDs) , Soakaway and flo
cell .